Confession: we NEVER travel outside of the country without having travel insurance. Finding the best travel insurance to meet your needs can seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually really easy. Here we break it down for you!

Where to Shop
We typically use Squaremouth to browse various policies. You plug in your dates of travel and your main destination and it generates a list of possibilities for you. These possibilities are completely customizeable. This means you can add coverage for certain things – we always add “Cancel For Any Reason” coverage.
During the COVID pandemic, we also checked out this website to see which insurance companies were providing the ultimate in COVID related insurance. Just in case we got sick.

Is It Worth It?
Usually travel insurance policies are fairly affordable and are often based on the total price of your trip. We typically pay less than 100 dollars for peace of mind. Insurance is one of those things that you don’t need, until you need it. For example, this was super helpful when Yas broke her arm in France and had to go to the ER! We submitted a claim and paperwork to the insurance company which was easy to work with.
By the way, some health insurance companies in the U.S. actually provide health insurance abroad! If you travel a lot, this is something worth looking into since it beats buying a new travel insurance policy every time.

If you are adding “Cancel for Any Reason” coverage, be careful. First, this will definitely make the total cost of your insurance policy go up. And definitely read the fine print, because “Any Reason” does not actually mean “Any Reason”. Most companies still require you to cancel your trip about 2 or more days in advance in order to be reimbursed.

Finding the best travel insurance can be really tough, but we hope this article was helpful. Looking to be inspired? Click right this way!