We get a lot of questions about traveling together. For example, how do we not get on each others nerves on the time? How do we split up responsibilities? How do we make it work? Here are our biggest tips!
1. Respect each others style.
Yas is super organized and plans months in advance, but Dev goes with the flow more. Both personality types are great and work really well together, as long as we both know and respect each other. Yas does a lot of the planning/organizing, and Dev looks out for fun spontaneous adventures on the go. Dev respects Yas’s thoughtfully planned out itineraries, and Yas jumps on board with Dev’s spontaneous trips.

2. Plan well.
Though being spontaneous is often fun, don’t leave too much of your trip up to chance. It’s important to plan the basics in advance so you can be prepared for maximal adventure and fun. For example, what currency are you going to need? Are there any activities or countries you’re going to that need special permits? Are you packing the right clothing for the weather in the place you are visiting at that time? These are small things that can add up, and if poorly planned can lead to multiple minor frustrations that can make you blow up at your partner if left unchecked. So planning a little in advance can make for smooth sailing down the line.
3. Recognize warning flags.
Yas gets SUPER hangry, super quickly. Dev knows this. Dev helps Yas get food when the warning signs start to show. He recognizes warning flags and responds appropriately. Enough said.

4. Be on the same page.
Yas and Dev like to share their itineraries in advance and during the trip as well. The easiest way to do this is by making an Apple Note and inviting your partner to join. This is where we keep our packing list and itineraries, as well as any links to planned activities we have. It helps us to stay on top of our itinerary and keep organized, but also allows us free time and flexibility to explore as well.
5. Do what you (both) love.
Many of the things you see and do on a trip may be mutual. But sometimes Dev wants to check out a virtual reality exhibition, and Yas wants to see a modern art installation. Make time for both and join each other exploring your passions! It’ll help you to appreciate your significant other a little more and helps with bonding.

6. Don’t be afraid to spend time alone.
Sometimes you just need some alone time to reset, especially if you’re an introvert like Yas is. She’ll often head to the pool or beach while Dev explores alone or meets up with others. It’s time apart that ultimately brings us closer and leaves us feeling more grounded and appreciative of each other.
7. Sharing is caring…
…Even with responsibility. Our trips work best if we divide and conquer. For example, Dev typically plans the transportation aspect of our trips, whereas Yas is more involved in choosing and booking hotels. When one person is responsible for everything, it puts a lot of pressure and can add unnecessary underlying tension in the relationship.

8. Go with the flow!
Flexibility is the #1 most important thing when it comes to success as a couple who travels together. Or as a couple in general. Always be kind and respectful to each other and roll with the punches. Travel is and has always been somewhat unpredictable. You can’t control the situation, only how you respond to it.