It can seem like a daunting task, but when it comes down to it, it can be quite simple (and fun!). Here are our 6 easy steps!

1. Nail down any logistics you can.
For example, do you have a weekend? A week? Longer? When will this trip be happening – is the timing flexible, or is it set for a specific time period? This is one of the most important things when it comes to planning a vacation.

2. Work on a budget (together).
To avoid any disputes about money while on the trip, it’s best to come up with a budget before-hand and try to stick within it. That way, one person doesn’t end up spending a lot more than the other, and the other doesn’t feel pressured to over-spend.
It’ll also help to give you an idea of what you can do with your time and money – do you have money for flights and hotels? If not, consider a road trip to a nearby destination and camping!

3. Sit down and look at a map.
Alright…we like to look at Google Maps. This is an easy way to figure out how long of a drive certain destinations will be. We also like to look at Google flights. We tend to remove the destination and check the “nonstop” button – Google will suggest various destinations that are easy to get to from your local airport, and stratify them by cost.

4. Communicate! and consider each other’s wants and needs.
Make sure that you discuss a variety of destinations and consider each ranking your top 3 choices. If any of the 3 overlap, weigh the pros and cons of each and make a joint decision! You want to make sure each of you feels good about the destination and that you’ll have a great time exploring. It helps to come up with a joint list of things you’d each be interested in doing at the destination!

5. Start booking. Together.
OK, so you’ve done all the hard work – you’ve figured out your destination, dates, times, flights, road trip maps, hotels, lodgings, etc. It’s time to start actually booking all of these things. We recommend either sitting down and doing this together, or divvying up the responsibility. For example – Yas will book hotels, Dev will book flights. This way one person doesn’t feel like they’ve done more work or contributed more than the other.

6. Stress less and go with the FLOW.
This is the most important tip that we can offer. Things will go wrong. Flights will get delayed. Luggage will get lost. Hotels will have overlooked your booking. There are literally countless things that can go wrong with traveling (and they will). The most important thing in these situations is how you react to them, and to each other. These situations can often be high stress, and can be make or break for couples. It’s important to take deep breaths and realize that this is part of the traveling (and relationship) experience. How you face challenges together and move on will make you stronger as a couple, and help you to grow in your relationship!

One response to “How to Plan Your First Trip as a Couple in Six Steps”
Thank you for this valuable insight into traveling with your romance. It is wonderfully refreshing to go through these in a step-by-step fashion and my wife and I took your advice and had a wonderful vacation. Love your blog.